Since the information transmission on the internet cannot be guaranteed 100% safe,the site has made its best efforts in designing this website to keep individual's personal data safe. Since the process of information transmission concerns the security extent of the internet environment, and the safety of information transmission or reception form this website cannot be guaranteed, the users of the website should be notified of and undertake the risk.
Users may willingly disclose their personal information on the website, for instance, e-mail address, name etc. on the BBS, and these information may be collected and used by a third party. If this is a concern of yours, you don’t have to leave such information. When you do, you may receive promotion materials or junk mails from a third party. Please do understand that this result is uncontrollable by this website, and we are not responsible for any losses or damages caused by it.
【Amendment to Privacy and Information Protection Policy】
To protect the best interest of the users, we will, from time to time, modify the information Protection policy and the privacy statement to reflect the latest protection measurements. We will notify you by placing a prominent notice on the home page of our Web site when there are changes in the way we use your personal information.